The Home at Ft. Polk was the 2nd military outreach of NTCC; pioneered by Rev and Sis J.P. Rodrigues in 1978. They began in a single wide house trailer which served as church and home. As the congregation grew they built a small chapel on the property. Time passed with different pastors laboring, and a new home was built in the early 80’s. In the year 2000 under Rev and Sis Bailey, still more land was acquired and funds raised to expand the facilities and their outreach. During a visit to Leesville, Rev Bailey expressed his desire to remodel the home; which after 30 years was indeed in need of some updating.
Fast forward to May of 2017, Rev and Sis Justiniano were the newly appointed pastors and demolition began! Enjoy this glimpse of before, during and after, and remember, one man plants, another waters, as Paul said we are labourers together with God... but God gives the increase!
Visit our website at myntcc.org/LeesvilleLa
An answer to prayers.
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Look at this beautiful remodel of our sanctuary in Chicago Heights!