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Let the little children come...

Childrens Church - ALL are Welcome
Suffer the little children to come unto me,
and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God

Mark 10 (14)


We love the children!

Jesus desired that they bring the children to Him.  He wanted to teach them and show them His divine love.  We do too!  That is why each children's class is designed with a desire to share Jesus with each child, on an age appropriate level. 


To do this, sometimes there are puppet shows or skits, that portray Christian character and godly morals. Other activities your child can expect to enjoy or participate in are:

  • Assorted Crafts
  • Bible Stories
  • Singing, and making music
  • Games
  • Light refreshments, from time to time

Your children will enjoy the classes and you will be blessed knowing they are learning more about Jesus!